Mike and I have done everything I can think of to prepare for our departure on Sunday. What remains is to log on tonight to finalize our planned train ride from Manchester to St. Bees. And I suppose we may also book a hotel for the return trip – we need to stay in Manchester for one night after we wend our way back from Robin Hood’s Bay. Clothing, medications, equipment are all assembled on a bed upstairs. English currency is in the pouch. For myself a negative COVID PCR test has been reported and printed to accompany the COVID vaccine booster certificate that I printed after getting the shot in East Greenwich this morning. (This time the pharmacist didn’t ask pesky questions about when I might have had other vaccines like the flu shot I got three weeks ago -=- shhhhhh!) Almost all of the extra supplies have been delivered by Amazon waiting now only for the 100w charging block I will need to maintain communication with the outside world.
Anxiety – the good kind – is building. Some part of every remaining day will be consumed with planning final details like rides to the airport and strategic divisions of packing between their carry-on back pack and the small Patagonia duffel which will be checked. And, to be honest, this post is a part of the planning – to assure myself that I can fire up this site for posting on the trail.